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When a merry-go-round doesn't stop

It's January 23rd and not even the proper end of the first term and I already know that this term will be a massacre for me. Or at least the first half of the term = the pre-productions.

This term I'll be working as a production designer for two groups and a set designer for another as far as I know. Then there is Saeed's film (Saeed is a 3rd-year film student), where I am script supervising and script editing. On top of that my half personal - half uni project has also come to life and it is filmable as far as I have been told by my tutors.

Callnoir productions will pitch for Lana's script this week and I hope they don't get a red light, because it is one beautiful piece and production design for this will be a little bit of a suicide since the script features an apartment with a huge piano and the main characters are both 70 or 80 year-olds, but if everything works out it will be worth the sleep missed.

Gabs and Reece (don't know the production group name) will pitch for Reece's script "Perfect Little Mess", which is more of an emotional piece and production design in this one would challenge me to express several different characters through their styles and the inner emotions of the main character in the interior design (set design) of his room. So I hope I get to work on this one and accept the challenge.

Petite Souris Crew (which is my personal crew for the "PANGEA film" - working title) is getting assembled. I am so happy to have Anna and Jonathan aboard and Lana in the post. I have discussed this project with David before and it went well, which gave me much encouragement. Today I have spoken to Sergio about all the visual effects I would need and he seemed very excited for the project as well and came up with a few more ideas, which motivates me to work even harder for this project and plan it to shoot even maybe as soon as possible to avoid clashes with the rest of the crews filming in February and March. PANGEA film is something that currently became my dream and the realization of this project came to the top for me.

So I am looking forward, as well as not, to the next few months as they might be the busiest moths I've ever had. Wish myself luck!


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