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18% Gray length issues (rough cuts)

The first assembly was 5 minutes, 3 seconds and 21 frames long. That means 2 minutes and almost 4 seconds too long.

I would like to point out the director knew it would be too long, since her script was 4 full pages anyway, but apparently almost everything can be solved in post according to her. If the editor has the footage, if I may note that. As you might get the feel through out the blog post, I am quite bitter about her "mistrust" (which I would just call bitchy attitude) in my editing and my skills.

Nevertheless, I made the first rough cut including the whole script, which from the first assembly shrank by only 3 seconds. Not much. But I uploaded it to my personal Vimeo account and forwarded it to the director. And guess what she said? "Good job." I know. I am not that bad of an editor, I edit in my free time for fun, which doesn't give me "official" experience, but skill I can show later.

I don't know why she acted so bitchy to me and if it was because I told her to "do her fucking job" then yes, I did tell her that, however that apparently woke her up on the set and she started to actually do the job she was supposed to do. Everybody has a role and he/she should stand for his/ her own role.

All in all the edit is going fine, 2nd rough cut is a little more problematic since I have to cut out parts of the dialogue and make it look right, but I am battling this obstacle quite fine I think - I have cut it down to 3 minutes and 11 seconds, which means I only have 11 seconds more to fight, but I know these will be the difficult ones. I also have to fine more ambient sound, because to me the whole thing feels too quiet. I will suggest finding some song, at least at the beginning because to me it feels very bland and just not too interesting, but that may be the script and story, which I am not too fond of either.


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