We change. Sometimes the change takes its time and sometimes it can come in an instant. Lately I have been going through a lot of changes and to be completely honest I didn't want to. Not because I am afraid of change, but because when you grow to have a routine or a habit, it's hard to break it.
I, as a person, change a lot. And I swear, it's something that almost could characterize me in one word: morphing. Lately I found out that I am not the only one who constantly changes. I became colder, more distant and indifferent; while I became much more opened to another I never thought I might even have a good relationship with. When I was a kid I used to love this style of clothing that I would currently avoid for miles. And the same goes for the color pink. I used to love pink to death and everything was pink, when I turned 10 everything was black and dark colored and only this year I have started to slowly let pink color back to my life even though it will probably never be found in my closet again, I will have it on other things (like my phones is the rose gold color for example). I used to wear different clothes, much different from what I wear now and when I look back I am actually ashamed of what I used to wear to public, that no one would ever catch me wearing that ever again. I swear to Lord. And just today I found myself jamming to a song I thought was just so not good and here I am sitting and writing this post, listening to a song I used to hate and actually jamming to it.
People change. Change is how the life works. Everyday. Not always things change to better but I'm not going to lie when I say that even if the change is bad and we don't want to accept it at some point, later on in our lives we will view it at least as necessary for our own personal growth if not as something good and prosperous.
I wish I could say that change is something we can avoid when we want to, however sometimes the change doesn't depend solely on us. Sometimes it depends on other people as well and those times we have to be considerate and accept the facts that have been given to us and follow the flow, until we find the way we might have lost. Because even though the night is dark and full of terrors (yes I did quote Melisandre from Game if Thrones), the morning will come and chase the shadows away. Eventually. Might not be today, but if not tomorrow then definitely the day after. And that is something that needs to be remembered no matter what.
So for everyone who has gone through a major change lately I encourage you to embrace it and face it full on. Because not only you have grown but you have opened yourself to something new again.
Don't be afraid of change even if you can't see where it leads you. You never know.