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We don't always realize how much we depend on mundane things, like shower and skincare (which to me is one of the most important mundane things).

We don't realize how much we depend on other people, like I wanted to meet my brother yesterday, but a friend asked for a favor and since it was a little late to go to my brother's (because he also went to a concert later on); I decided to help my friend, even though I really wanted to meet my brother and this short guy (my brother's really cool Czech friend, Marek). But I will meet them next time I guess. There will be opportunities, I believe.

We don't realize how much we depend on mundane rituals, until they are interrupted by something unexpected and we have to cancel or postpone them. But sometimes, it's for the best. Trust me, I know.

My guess is that we shouldn't always depend on mundane stuff, however it's in our human nature to have rituals and routines, use everyday things and not always step out of the comfort zone. I know. I'm also one of those people, who like their comfort zones. But I want to change. I want to do more things, that are not in that little square. I want to challenge my borders, I want to cross them and stretch them further. Put more and more things into my comfort zone. And I will try my best at doing so. That is my promise to myself today!!!

-Misha ;)

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