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I drink solo

Tonight, I'm drinking solo.

I was always a very socially oriented when it came to drinking, because back home people, who tend to drink on their own are considered alcoholics and I never wanted to belong among this group, but work was so busy, that we finished late, which caused me to miss my bus from the subway station. I knew I had pretty much no food at home and just decided to stop at shop, where I also picked up these two Coronas.

And as much I was opposed drinking alone, I'm all for it now. Not in a regular and extensive matter, but drinking 1 or 2 beers after having a shit day is actually a great way to chill and have some healing time. Play some good music and turn off the Internet connection and everyone that could be disturbing and just be with my own thought for a while.

Just another thing I learned. *thumbs up*


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