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Dreamer of PANGEA (working title)

I am so HYPED!!! Dreamer of PANGEA is happening. I have the tickets, Anna has the tickets, I have the camera, mic and will have a green screen too!!!

Milan is loves the idea I presented and I don't think I have ever been so hyped for a shoot as much as for this one. Being a director and producer in the same person is so not easy! I think I want all those shots and these effects and that and that. But BAM! My schizophrenic producer hits the stage and says "NO!" I will be mad by the time this film is finished, but I will probably cry after, because I will want to dive back into another film like this one. Not kidding!

Sergio thinks I'm mad, insane and crazy, but is on board with this! 7 shots of VFX!!! Kind of a lot by since the deadline is not that far away, but I will manage it somehow!

I'm sorry I am so disorganized in this post but I am so stoked for this I cannot calm myself down even though it's been quite a while since I started this! This is the real passion for work if you ask me!

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